Zinsco Federal Pacific and Pushmatic Circuit Breakers
Brand New Replacements
New Replacement Circuit Breakers are available for Zinsco, Federal Pacific and Pushmatic. These replacement Circuit Breakers all meet today’s standards and have an ETL Certification.
Often when one of these obsolete Circuit Breakers needs to be replaced, an electrician will suggest changing out your panel and replacing it with a brand new panel. This is great advice considering a new replacement 1 pole Circuit Breaker will cost between $25.00 and $50.00 dollars and a current series 1 Pole will cost $3.00 to $5.00. Also do not forget about the safety factors.
What happens if you cannot afford the $1500.00 to $2500.00 to do the panel replacement? Your only choice is to purchase an original used circuit breaker or one of the new replacements. I always suggest going to the new replacement because it will have certification that meets today’s standards. Remember, you panel is 30 to 50 years old.
Another option, if it passes code in your area, an electrician can install a small sub-panel and do the necessary rewiring. It can get expensive.
Wit residential Zincso Panels, there is also a retrofit buss bar kit available if the buss is burned or pitted.
The most important thing in my opinion is to hire a qualified and licensed electrical contractor that can evaluate you situation and recommend a solution for you. If your electrician is not aware the replacements are available, you can purchase these at many Electrical Supply Distributors of from us at JRL Electric Supply Inc. https://www.jrlelectricsupplyinc.com